Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And he didn't even read my last post

So I woke up this morning, threw something into the garbage, and found this:

It was as though the Verve Trash Fairy came and left this behind as evidence.

Woohooo! You know what that means? I can see the shelf they were on! They are all gone for now. Until the next case moves in, I have a blissful half day of shelfage.

I went out last night to this French Tuesday event. It's a snoot filled get together for French and Franchophiles, which I suppose means that you love everything French. I was invited (because, you have to be invited by a current member, of course) by a friend of mine, and as this was the second time she had invited me and I blew off the first time, I thought I should go. It was ok, held at a nice bar, good champagne, and I had to tango with a nice older man that insisted upon it. Luckily Mike and I took all those ballroom dance lessons, so I held my own.

So I returned and found Mike, his brother Dave, and our friend Drew hanging out. Watching Madonna's last tour on DVD that we ordered from China and you know, it actuallly looks good even though we had our doubts. They had already downed some wine, and Mike was making them cocktails exclusively out of Verve and vodka, even if they asked for something else. Way to go, babe!

One case down, several to go. Now we need to work on the Pina Coladas. Anyone thirsty this weekend?

PS. No, Mom, those aren't our cigarettes in that trash can, they're Drew's!

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