Monday, January 12, 2009
Go me...
I was on a conference call today with John Jantsch, writer of "Duct Tape Marketing" and Seth Godin, who has written several best selling books on marketing and has a blog of his own. I was pretty excited to hear Seth Godin talk, he's very well known and I have admired his ideas and books for a long time now. It was a great talk and I intend to put it to good use.
One of his main points was that EVERYONE should have a blog. Even if nobody reads it, it's still a great exercise - almost like a public diary. You can look back at it years from now and see what you learned, what you thought, how you've grown.
As 2009 is hopefully going to be a better year for me, with a lot of changes, I thought it would be good to start it up again. Even if it's only a comment or observation that I make that day, it makes you more aware of the world around you. And maybe I get some support from peeps out there that I didn't even know existed.
I have a few big challenges this year: the first is coming up in 2 weeks, a half marathon. Which is 13.1 miles! Holy crap. Never in my life did I think I would ever run that far, with my asthma issue. Running has always been a challenge. But as 2008 started to get more and more difficult and more depressing, I realized that I had to have something to hold on to. A goal to reach for, one that I could attain if I put my mind to it. So I chose running, and have fallen in love with it.
For me, right now it is my savior. As my body gets more fit, my endurance gets better, my attitude is lifted and I feel like I can accomplish what I want to. I may not finish this race with the best time, but at least I am trying, and I will finish. And the next half marathon, in March, should be better. And all the other races that I plan on after that!
My other challenges this year are professional ones. I am getting out of real estate in the brokerage sense, that's for sure. My business involving real estate information...that is still my baby, and I will keep trying. I can't give up on that either. But to make money in the meantime, that has been a challenge. I have an opportunity to work with a friend's business part time, which I may take for now to alleviate some of the stress.
So...stay tuned! I'll be posting a comment everyday. Some random, some pointless. I look forward to the experience.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tales of the bed hog
Do not think I'll be missed. That Cali King isn't big enough for the three of us.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
And he didn't even read my last post
It was as though the Verve Trash Fairy came and left this behind as evidence.
Woohooo! You know what that means? I can see the shelf they were on! They are all gone for now. Until the next case moves in, I have a blissful half day of shelfage.
I went out last night to this French Tuesday event. It's a snoot filled get together for French and Franchophiles, which I suppose means that you love everything French. I was invited (because, you have to be invited by a current member, of course) by a friend of mine, and as this was the second time she had invited me and I blew off the first time, I thought I should go. It was ok, held at a nice bar, good champagne, and I had to tango with a nice older man that insisted upon it. Luckily Mike and I took all those ballroom dance lessons, so I held my own.
So I returned and found Mike, his brother Dave, and our friend Drew hanging out. Watching Madonna's last tour on DVD that we ordered from China and you know, it actuallly looks good even though we had our doubts. They had already downed some wine, and Mike was making them cocktails exclusively out of Verve and vodka, even if they asked for something else. Way to go, babe!
One case down, several to go. Now we need to work on the Pina Coladas. Anyone thirsty this weekend?
PS. No, Mom, those aren't our cigarettes in that trash can, they're Drew's!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The not so subtle fridge takeover
Monavie, the latest craze in antioxidants.
This is a recent newcomer to the party. Our friends swear by this stuff, it's supposed to be chock full of antioxidants and vitamins and the cure for everything that ever ailed you. You're supposed to drink 2 oz's a day. One of our friends won't travel without it, and says it helps hangovers. I haven't found that to, um, be the case yet. Although it would probably help if I drank it after I came home for the evening, instead of in the morning.
This invader I actually kind of like. I don't mind drinking it. I'm not sure if I see the benefits yet, although I imagine the antioxidants getting into my bloodstream, battling all the bad things that apparently lurk there. We have 8 of these bottles a month.
Invader #4:
TGI Friday's Pina Colada Mix.
"Oops," says Mike, after opening it because he finally wanted a Pina Colada 6 years after we've been together, "I didn't realize you had to refrigerate it after opening."
Yes, this lovely relic was around before we started dating, and has been the part of the pantry from two houses in Arizona and then traveled across country to take up residence here in Miami. I hate Pina Coladas, so now this will probably sit for a long time in our fridge. Taking up space on the valuable "top shelf", the only place tall bottles can go.
Now yes, I've been guilty of hogging up some parts of the fridge too. The yummy mango chutney that seems to go well with everything, except that I never use it. The delicious and expensive sea scallops that I bought at Wild Oats that I didn't need a half pound of and insisted on freezing because they were good quality scallops and are still sitting, frozen into a scallop brick, in my freezer a year later. The miso that I use to baste portobello mushrooms with the three times a year I make that dish.
This fridge takeover does make me miss the days of this, though:
That's right, you have your own rented pad now. I forgot. Have some room for the Colada?
Friday, May 9, 2008
The telltale beating of my car
And then I heard it. Swish, swish. Swish, swish.
Hmm. I'm pretty neurotic about keeping my car clean. Especially because I really don't like my car, I figure I have to make the most of it by keeping it tidy. It sounded like a bottle that someone had left on the floor of the backseat, which wouldn't be unlikely as my friends do tend to leave stuff behind.
So I parallel parked. Paid for the parking. Opened the back door. Reached under the seat. Found the offending water bottle. Found, yes, another water bottle! And then, to my utter disgust, found this:
Yes, the red pepper I bought at the farmer's market that I knew I bought and tore apart my refrigerator looking for but could not find. It was like holding a human heart. All mushy, the skin loosened....gahh.
Is it bad that I thought maybe it could be considered a roasted pepper? Possibly okay for consumption? Like a sundried pepper? How long would it take to really dry it out? Was it a marketable item? It was interesting, for a moment. I stood there and held it, squished it.
Don't worry, I chucked it.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Other goings on
So we had a great time, it was a spectacular party. Everyone dressed to the nines. I think we would have been well suited for that time, no?
Why yes, we will have another complimentary martini....
Some other cool pics:
I still have the hat out, I put it on sometimes and wear it around the house in my sweats. It's in rotation with my bunny ears and Mike's light up devil horns. And lo, we still get guests in our house....we try to scare them off but it doesn't work.
Speaking of guests, my mom came for a delightful visit last week as well. She hadn't been down here since we moved back from Arizona. I wasn't sure how she'd handle the height issue (we're 34 flights up!) but she actually did well with it and spent a lot of time on the balcony. The weather was perfect. I had to work so she mainly hung out and read, went to the beach, etc...but she seemed very content with that. We went on a 90 minute boat cruise around Miami Beach one of the days, it was a narrated tour about some of the star's homes, etc. I made mom her first strawberry margarita. It was a good time.
Of course, I have no pictures of this as our camera bit the dust. Or, actually, the dust bit the camera! Literally. It died from desert dust from Burning Man. So all pictures I've taken since then have been taken with my New Favorite Thing Ever That I Can Never Live Without, my Blackberry. Oh, my Blackberry. It completes me.
Today is Mike's 35th birthday! Which means I have 3 more days until he gets back from his business trip to buy a present for him! He's hard to shop for, he only wants wine. He's busy buying up 2005 Bordeaux right now. Highly suggested to buy now if you like wine, 2005 was the best year in the last several decades. I know because I hear it every time a new shipment arrives.
Charlie and the Carrot Factory
So I think that these are pretty good proof that he can still see a bit. Plus he still chases after toys, and gets up on the couch ok. But I know it's getting worse, and his depth perception is off. So I was prepared for a not so great diagnosis.
I is still mad at you, woman. But I is not too mad for nap. Zzzzz....
So now we fight twice a day with the eye drops. Then he promptly wipes his face and eyes on our bedspread. That little shit. But he's worth every penny.