Monday, January 12, 2009

Go me...

Eek. So I have been completely horrible about updating this blog, clearly.
I was on a conference call today with John Jantsch, writer of "Duct Tape Marketing" and Seth Godin, who has written several best selling books on marketing and has a blog of his own. I was pretty excited to hear Seth Godin talk, he's very well known and I have admired his ideas and books for a long time now. It was a great talk and I intend to put it to good use.
One of his main points was that EVERYONE should have a blog. Even if nobody reads it, it's still a great exercise - almost like a public diary. You can look back at it years from now and see what you learned, what you thought, how you've grown.
As 2009 is hopefully going to be a better year for me, with a lot of changes, I thought it would be good to start it up again. Even if it's only a comment or observation that I make that day, it makes you more aware of the world around you. And maybe I get some support from peeps out there that I didn't even know existed.
I have a few big challenges this year: the first is coming up in 2 weeks, a half marathon. Which is 13.1 miles! Holy crap. Never in my life did I think I would ever run that far, with my asthma issue. Running has always been a challenge. But as 2008 started to get more and more difficult and more depressing, I realized that I had to have something to hold on to. A goal to reach for, one that I could attain if I put my mind to it. So I chose running, and have fallen in love with it.
For me, right now it is my savior. As my body gets more fit, my endurance gets better, my attitude is lifted and I feel like I can accomplish what I want to. I may not finish this race with the best time, but at least I am trying, and I will finish. And the next half marathon, in March, should be better. And all the other races that I plan on after that!

My other challenges this year are professional ones. I am getting out of real estate in the brokerage sense, that's for sure. My business involving real estate information...that is still my baby, and I will keep trying. I can't give up on that either. But to make money in the meantime, that has been a challenge. I have an opportunity to work with a friend's business part time, which I may take for now to alleviate some of the stress.

So...stay tuned! I'll be posting a comment everyday. Some random, some pointless. I look forward to the experience.